


The Femsplainers podcast with Christina Hoff Sommers and Danielle Crittenden first came out in May 2018. Their weekly girl’s night out includes some of the most fascinating and fabulous women on the planet. They dish on everything from #metoo and sex to, well, doing the dishes. No topic is off-limits — unless it’s boring.

Christina and Danielle have been best friends for over two decades. They don’t agree on everything, of course. But they love meeting new, interesting people and exploring ideas as friends do, with respect, humor and over a cocktail (or two). Guests include Tina Brown, Bari Weiss, Julia Ioffe, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Mandy Stadtmiller, Emily Yoffe, Caitlin Flanagan, Jonathan Rauch, and many more.


I always have a great time working with Danielle and Christina. We’ve done many projects together, and they never fail to make me laugh. I am so impressed with the rapid following they’ve been able to develop.

Their 5-Star rated podcast is the gossipy, smart, witty conversation you’d have if all of your girlfriends (and some of your guy friends too!) were experts on the hot topics of the moment. High-spirited and high-minded, they don’t argue or whine, but seek to get to the heart of the matter, over cocktails (or wine). I would highly recommend following the conversation by subscribing to the Femsplainers Podcast!